A Little And Often Is Still The Golden Rule
February 14, 2015 12:53 pmThis weeks blog is by practice partner and senior physiotherapist Mary McGuinness
A lecture given by Doctor Mike Evans lent support the observations I’ve made over the course of my 23 years in practice. I’ve worked with a wide range of people from top athletes to the very sedentary. It always appeared to me that the patients who ” walked everywhere”, or took regular light exercise appeared to enjoy better health in their latter years.The research discussed in the lecture shows that with regular exercise
- Patients with arthritic knees experienced 47% less pain and disability.
- Older patients were 50% less likely to progress to dementia and Alzheimer’s .
- 58% of people at risk of diabetes were less likely to progress to frank diabetes.
- In a population of 10,000 students 23% had a lower risk of death over the 12 years studied.
- Exercise is the number one treatment of fatigue
- Exercise has been proven over and over again to improve our quality of life.
Categorised in: Team, Therapies, Uncategorized
This post was written by Maeve Whelan
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