Coronavirus Update – 14th April 2020

March 14, 2020 5:47 pm Published by
As an essential medical service Milltown Physiotherapy is open and operating with a policy of social distancing and sanitizing. It is our priority that our patients, reception staff and physiotherapists are protected to the utmost of our ability.

From the outset

Patients will be advised if they have any respiratory symptoms at all that they should NOT attend. In addition patients in ‘at risk’ groups should not attend.

On the day of an appointment

Patients will receive a text reminder of their appointment and the option to wait in the car where they will be phoned when their therapist is ready to see them. 

In the clinic

  • Seating in the waiting room and separately in the exercise room is greater than 2 metres apart. 
  • There are sanitizing hand gels and tissues readily available throughout the clinic.
  • The clinic is sanitised frequently throughout the day including all commonly touched surfaces.
  • Treatment rooms and door areas are cleaned thoroughly by the therapists between patients.
  • Payment would ideally be made by card rather than cash where care is taken around use of pin pad for transactions.

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This post was written by Maeve Whelan

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