Dublin Marathon Tips: Improve your time with strength training

August 5, 2015 8:30 pm Published by
With 81 days until the Dublin marathon, I thought I would shine some light on running research from around the world.This one from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil showed that people who added strength training just twice a week over 6 weeks ran fasterĀ 10km times by 65 seconds on average.The athletes were put in two groups, one that continued their normal endurance training, and another that added in two sessions of strength training per week. After 6 weeks of this program their 10km times were retested showing a significant decrease in time.This was particularly noticeable in the final quarter of the race, where the strength group kicked on as the control group who hadn’t done the strengthening faded back.Reference:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25697149

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This post was written by Maeve Whelan

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