Exercising as you age – reduce falls risk and improve independence!
January 18, 2016 12:10 pmA great picture showing the difference between someone who exercises regularly and a sedentary person.Research has shown that by staying active and exercising as you get older you can maintain muscle mass.As you age, exercise helps protects your bones, joints and muscles. It also reduces risk of falling, increases independence. Studies have also found it can boost memory and help prevent dementia.If you are unsure as to how you can begin an exercise program, there are a lot of gyms that provide pay as you go service that can advise you.Also if you are a bit older and feeling apprehensive about exercise. Older In Ireland is a good organisation that helps people become more active.http://olderinireland.ie/As everĀ if you haven’t exercised for some time and you have health concerns, you may want to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine
Categorised in: Classes, Spinal Physiotherapy, Therapies, Uncategorized
This post was written by Maeve Whelan
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