Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition affecting more than 50% of men aged 40-70 years, and it can also be present in younger population. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common disease around the world, which is defined as the inability of men to acquire or maintain an erection in order to achieve satisfactory sexual performance, with the course of disease lasting for more than 3 months (Wessells, Joyce, Wise, & Wilt, 2007).
OUR TREATMENT: Focal Shockwave Therapy
A new, proven treatment to reverse erectile dysfunction. Focal shockwave rejuvenates the erection mechanism and delays or prevents the deterioration of Erectile Dysfunction.
Clinically proven long-term results with a
more than a 70% success rates Safe, painless treatments with no side effects
Results as quick as 3 weeks Focal Shockwave Therapy
For more information about Focal Shockwave Therapy